Holding up a white t-shirt with a caricature of herself in a pool of ink, stabbed by a nib pen, with a quote from Jack Kerouac: "Find something you love and let it kill you."

Line Olsson

Based in Boston for over twenty years, I relocated to my native country of Norway in the summer of 2022. For the next two years, I plan to live and work in the beautiful city of Trondheim, while still maintaining a home in the United States, my adopted country since 2000.

In 2009, I joined the cartoonist collective, Boston Comics Roundtable, and since then, I have made comics for anthologies, sold my own books at independent comics expos and conventions, and illustrated comics for other writers. I am currently working on a full length graphic novel, and post diary comics on Instagram.

In addition, I work as a freelance illustrator and until previously, as a chalk artist. My illustrations can be found in children’s books, on book covers, in movies, advertisements, on board games, and postcards. Follow the links on my home page to check out my online stores. I sell art and comics through this website, digital designs on Creative Fabrica, and print-on-demand designs on Redbubble.